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The excellent database of free vocabulary flash cards for toddlers and kids available in PDF format.
or create own image and word cards with Online Flashcards Maker

Recently added 一1分钟极速赛车官网开奖记录 flashcard sets for preschoolers

Most popular languages of printable kids flashcards

English vocabulary cards

English vocabulary cards

German vocabulary cards

German vocabulary cards

Japanese vocabulary cards

Japanese vocabulary cards

Spanish vocabulary cards

Spanish vocabulary cards

一1分钟极速赛车官网开奖记录 极速赛车官网开奖数据-开奖官网计划,赛车官网开奖历史-168极速赛车开奖官网开奖记录 How to make flashcards online

Fill text box with information text
Add images into the picture cards
Choose flashcards dimensions
Download for printing

What types of flashcards for kids can I download?

Each set of picture cards contains:

  • large cards - one flashcard per template for printing in A4, A5, A6, 28 * 28 formats;
  • small cards - 6 and 8 flashcards per template A4, which are well suited for games, such as memories, bingo, lotto, etc.

The word cards are grouped by 3, 4, 6, 8 cards on sheet A4.

Both small and large educational cards can be printed, cut, and laminated (laminated versions look better and last longer).

PDF files open in your browser using Adobe Acrobat Reader or another PDF reader. It is already installed on most computers, but if no, you can download it here for free.

You can also watch slideshows from our prepared flashcards online. Just click on any flashcard icon from the chosen category page and open a full-screen view mode.

If you liked any of our prepared sets (for example, Russian or English flashcards), but you don’t find it for a needed language, you can translate it yourself by clicking the "Get on my language" button. It takes no more than 3 minutes.

Our printables are really useful for kids who learn speaking or reading in either native or foreign language (ESL flashcards for language learners). They also might even be a good resource for nonverbal kids who are working on expressing their thoughts to parents or caregivers.

Who Can Benefit From Using Flashcards?

Flashcards benefit all age groups.
Flashcards for babies
0 - 3 years
Growing on educational methods from Makoto Shichida, Heguru, and Glenn Doman for your child's Right Brain Training and rapid growth of the child's intellectual abilities.
Flashcards for children
> 2 years
Playing games with kids and learning foreign languages using baby flashcards in the different types of activities: memory, drilling, identification, and TPR activities.
Flashcards for students
Teenagers and Adults
> 13 years
Learning foreign or professional vocabulary to utilize flashcards. Spaced repetition helps language learners memorize vocabulary words both rapidly and effectively.

Why start to use flashcards for kids?

Early education
Greater success
Nobel Prize-winning James Heckman showed the economic benefits of early investing and building skills to provide success and productivity to more children.
spaced repetition
Better learning
Nobel Prize-winning Eric Kandel proves to enhance learning through spaced repetition. Flashcards for toddlers improve attention and move from short to long term memory avoiding cognitive overload.

Tips for using printable flashcards for kids

Start with a few cards.
Start with 5-10 cards and slowly increase their number. If your kid has lost interest, it is better to stop and continue another time. It is better to view short and frequent sessions than long and rare.
Make sure your child is in a good mood.
Do not try to teach a tired and moody child - this will disappoint both of you.
Get rid of distractions.
Remove toys and turn off the TV and any other devices so that both of you can focus on your task.
Support your child.
Give more praise, and the child will feel your enthusiasm and respond positively.
Educational image cards by https://kids-flashcards.com
See Benefits

What are the benefits of learning with online flashcards?

You can start to study at baby's birthday;
To learn is simple enough, you do not need to involve experts;
Developing photographic memory, speed reading, and mathematics;
Picture cards help to break up the monotony of drilling;
Multi-sensory and right brain stimulation;
Flashcards allow you to study anywhere at any time.
Educational image cards by https://kids-flashcards.com
See Features

Kids Flashcards Features

It is FREE;
Display in All Devices;
Simple and quick making own flashcards for kids, toddlers, and babies;
There’s no limit to how many cards you can create;
View flashcards online without registration;
Download printable cards in different languages such as English, Russian, German, etc;
Translate existing sets of flashcards to demandable language.

Subscribe to the Kids Flashcards

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